If you do not know when the recipient read the letter, write the greeting "Hello" or "Good day".
Choose a standard font and black letters. Colorful words are not easy to read, distracting and do not allow to grasp the essence of the text. If you want to select some kind of phrase, write: "I Draw Your attention that..."
Please contact the person named, and to higher positions by name and patronymic. Before you call write "Dear ..." Business correspondence can get on the table to the Director, so it's best to avoid the diminutive and colloquial expressions.
Turning to partner, write the words "You", "You", "Your" are capitalized. If the letter is addressed to multiple people, use lowercase.
The following text needs to be written well, in simple sentences, without the use of words, which may not be known to the partner. If the text contains technical terms or foreign expressions, be sure to give them a transcript.
Start the letter with a statement of the problem, and then ask the questions.
Try to stay within 1/3 of a sheet of A4 12 font. Bulk messages are considered difficult, they are not read to the end or skip entire sentences. If you need to report a lot, break up the information into multiple emails or attach a file with a detailed description. If the information is important for the recipient, it will definitely open the attachment.
At the end of a business letter, write "sincerely, name". If the correspondence is via e-mail, make a signature that will accompany all messages. Enter the following information:- surname, name, if necessary - surname;- title;- organisation name;- address;- telephone - work / mobile;- for more information, slogan, wishes, etc., if stipulated in the corporate style.