Use your imagination to make a strong purging by fire. Take a candle, light the wick and within a few minutes to watch the flame, not looking up. On your retina will be engraved the image of fire. Then look at the thing want to clean. Imagine, as the flame covers her completely, penetrating into every cell of the metal. The fire purifies the gold thing from someone else's energy.
A lighted candle can also be used in another method of purification of gold. Lay the garment on a table, take a candle in either hand. Begin to describe a lighted candle around clean things. Drive counter-clockwise as many times as you feel is sufficient for complete purification of gold. Then do the above thing several crosswise movements, thereby setting a additional protection from future negative energy.
The easiest way to clean gold from someone else's energy is to wash it under running water. When you hold the thing under running water, then imagine how it washes away with the gold out the alien energy. The subject becomes pristine and radiates its natural energy.
Gold can also be cleaned with special sound vibrations. For this purpose you can use the sounds of bells or gongs. Turn on the player and place it about clean things. During the procedure, visualize that the sound waves literally penetrate every inch of things. Cleansing is due to the fact that every cell in gold is starting to "sound" in unison with the bell or Gong.
Purification by sound can also occur under the influence of the mantra "Om". You can sing yourself or find the corresponding song in the Internet. The actions performed during the purification, the same as in the previous method.