Select and specify topic of the text (what is it about?) and its relevance, significance for the reader. Reflect this information in the introduction of your essay.
Start writing the main part of the composition. Highlight the problem raised by the author in the text. Comment on the problem from the point of view of the author. Describe the main idea of the text (i.e. the author's position on the problem) in the form of approval.
Determine whether you agree with the author's position, state their own point of view. Then give the arguments that support your agreement or disagreement, there should be at least 3. Use your own life experience, reasoning, examples from literary works.
Use text-to-speech clichés and evaluative words. For example: "share point", to "recognize the dignity", "can not remain indifferent", "sorry, have to object to", "should recognize/celebrate", "I agree," "no doubt", "the author defends a point of view," "it is important to note that", "summarizing", "to conclude/the conclusion".
To ensure that the text was too lively and interesting, use adjectives, metaphors, metonymy, impersonation, comparison, allegory, and other means of expression.
Make sure that the text was logical. To link sentences use introductory words (also, therefore, furthermore, etc.). Break up the text into paragraphs. Be sure to check spelling and punctuation, it is no less important than the meaning of the work.
Logical conclusion completes the text. In this brief reflect the conclusions to which you came as a result of the work on the text and thoughts on the issue.