You will need
  • - polishing liquid
  • pasta GOI
  • - a small piece of cloth
  • - polishing machine
Despite the appearance and character of the scratches, you should understand the following: micro-scratches to buff out quite possible, but deep scratches will not succumb to this procedure. So if you see that scratches are a big size, don't waste your time, learn from the mistakes of others.
Where should you start? Start with a paste GOI. Who was in the army at the training camp or military, knows what it is. The point is that in optics it is used for polishing glass. We need to heat the pasta to a state of melting (it is possible to make even lighter) and RUB thoroughly on a piece of cloth to the paste soaked into the fabric. It is best to take felt material - the thinner the material the better. Then we produce circular motion at the location of cracks. Thus, moving from crack to crack, it is possible to buff out all the flaws in our glass.
You can also use "polishing" - polishing liquid. They often can be found in auto shops. Technology products are much easier - put on the glass and RUB with a clean piece of cloth without lint to the disappearance of the microcracks.