First toy should be accustomed to the collar. So the dog had no problems with the elbows, it is better not to use a harness. Pick up the dog collar in her size, soft leather with flannel lining, so it does not RUB the skin. Coming home, let the dog to sniff it, baby, need to make sure that the collar does not represent any danger for him. Throw fastened to the last hole of the collar on the dog's neck, if everything is fine – then put it completely and fit to size. If the dog is nervous and tears off the collar, remove it and wear for a short time each day, during classes with the dog, gradually increasing the interval.

When the dog will get used to be in the collar and stop paying attention to him, continue to teach her to walk with a leash. First, as a leash, use tape or rope with a length of 5-6 meters. Tie it to the collar, Pat the dog and talk to her, she needs to hear your reassuring voice. If you see that she is worried and anxious, try to distract her with a treat or affection. Don't let her play with the leash and bite it, she needs to understand that the leash does not restrict her movements and is not a hindrance when walking.

After some time, when one used to the rope, replace it with a real long leash. Accustom him to the leash, do not use compulsion, he should not show fear of the leash and trust you. Do not pull the toe, if he ran, but do not allow him to drag you down with me. Wait until he calms down, distract him with a treat.

After a couple of walks, when the dog accustomed to the leash, teach her the command "next". To do this, say "Next!" and after it make a short, but not very sharp jerk to the dog just felt her movement restricted. These jerks do periodically, while she does not understand what is required of it and will not adapt to your foot.