To protect furs from moths is possible. To protect the first thing from larvae, not butterflies. Since they first feed on the fur. So they don't start in your closet, thoroughly clean the product before storing it for a time when you will not wear.
It is recommended that furs be kept in special covers. Good coats are sold with them included. Or it can be purchased separately. Caps to wrap newspaper and place in a tightly closing box. As such, the threat of the emergence of the moth will be much less.
Mol does not tolerate fresh air and sunlight. Possibly once a month "walk" coat. Take it for instance at the balcony. Or in any other place, where she is exposed to sunlight. Usually the larvae is similar to can not stand and die. It is advisable to put a fur coat exposed to the sun at least one day.
Mol does not tolerate temperature changes. And does not like the cold. Therefore, there are special refrigerators for storage of fur products. If you have the opportunity purchase something similar.
Regularly ventilate cabinets and rooms where you stored the winter clothes. It also helps to get rid of the larvae. Better to do it at least once per month.
Removing the summer fur and stuff, get special means against moths. They come in different forms from powder to the fumigator. They are placed in the closet, changing every 3-6 months (the exact info on the box). They kill larvae, but have a not very pleasant smell. After use, the coat will have to ventilate well before wearable.
From moths you can use fragrant soap. It is placed in the clear pocket of the product. Its smell drives away insects. The same effect have orange peel (zest), tobacco leaves, geranium. Place them in a cupboard and rotate, so the smell does not erode.
Do not use mothballs. He does not kill moth larvae, which eat the fur. It has long been proven that it does not help. Modern tools are abundant in the stores much more efficiently.