In fact, to change the keyboard language is very simple and it can be done in several ways. The fastest and easiest to use a combination of "hot" key. By default, most Windows operating systems, the keyboard language can be switched or combined to the left by pressing Shift - Alt”, “Shift-Ctrl-Alt” or by simultaneously pressing the left and right Shift key.
At the same time to press the keys should be as follows: first we click the first button of the combination, then, without releasing it, press the second and third. As a result, the layout of the keyboard changes from English to Russian and back. To find out what option combination is set by default for you, try to consistently push all of the mentioned combinations.
If for some reason hotkeys don't work and the language is not changing, you can use the language panel of the main menu of the operating system. To do this, look on the top menu bar in the lower right corner of the screen where displays the clock and icons for programs. There should be a small box with Latin letters “RU” (Russian) or “EN”(English) .
To switch the language with this mini-panel, move the cursor mouse and press its left button. Opens a small context menu that displays the available languages in the form of lines. By default, they are always two: Russian and English. Select the desired language and click on the appropriate line. The layout will switch, and the panel will show the corresponding icon.
In some cases, the language bar button can be disabled and then it is not visible on the screen. To restore the display of languages, hover over the top menu bar (it usually looks like a narrow gray bar at the bottom of the screen) and press the right mouse button. The context menu opens, the top line which is the string "Toolbar". Hover over it and you will see another drop-down menu. Find the line "Language bar" and check the box next to it. The toolbar button will appear, reflecting the installed languages. Then proceed as described in paragraphs 3 and 4.