Control work is conducted with the purpose of obtaining information about the level of students mastering the material. It is necessary to conduct and analysis of the control work. But how to do it? What to pay attention? The goal of any analysisis to summarize, to identify typical errors, to compare with previous results.
To start the analysis you must specify the date of inspection of work and class. Write the topic on which you assessed the students ' knowledge. Note how many people are enrolled in this class and how many have completed the task. Then count how many learners completed the task of the "five", "four", "three", etc. for Example:
"5" - 10 students (0 errors);
"4" - 12 students (1-2 errors);
"3" - 10 students (3-4 mistakes);
"2" - 4 pupils (5-6 errors).
"1" - 1 student (more than 6 errors).Please note that the criteria for the grading of elementary, middle and high school are different.
Then you should calculate the level of proficiency and the quality of students ' knowledge.The level of proficiency is calculated in the following way: one gets the number "5", "4" and "3" and divided by the total number who wrote.For example:
32:37=0,86 So the level of proficiency is 86%.The quality of knowledge is calculated in the following way: one gets the number "5" and "4" and divided by the number of students who wrote without the "2" and "1".For example:
22:32=0,69 Thus, the quality of education is 69%.
Next, you need to note the typical errors made by students and to specify their number. You can make a table in which you make a list of students, common mistakes. You can mark next to each name made whether the student on this orogramme or in the job error. This table is convenient because it is possible to calculate the percentage of errors in a test at each stage, as well as the percentage of correctly completed tasks.
You can make a comparison with the results of previous control work. For example, if you build the curve in the chart, noting the percent error, and then, designating a different color, construct a curve according to the results of the last control operation, it will be obvious what rules or in any job there has been a decline, and where positive dynamics is observed. Thus, the teacher sees what they pay attention in training that must be repeated on subsequent lessons.