Ideas for collage can be mass. For example, you can make a collage on a vase, a decorative bottle, a bag, implement it as a painting on a wall, furniture decoration and so on. The materials and bonding technique of collage, can also be very diverse. Details can be glued to the base, sew, solder or pressed glass. Here are a few idea for a collage that will decorate Your house.

The first option is painting the wall. To create a collage picture, you should use a consistent base, suitable rectangular piece of fiberboard, particle Board, dense plastic or cardboard. It is imperative to get a reliable and easy to use glue. Today there are special glue guns working with hot glue. For collage picture you can use fabric, lace, decorative feathers, beads, paper, ribbon and sequin. Impressive look of dried flowers and leaves. The choice of materials for collage, it is a matter for Your imagination. Think about what You would like, and get it together.

When materials are collected, select the pattern and the General pattern of the picture. The selected pattern is applied on the substrate. Then this pattern begins to cover the cut out fabric or paper items. To glue the parts should start from the bottom of the picture, gradually climbing up. The finished version needs time to thoroughly dry, then you can enclose it in a frame and hang it on the wall.

The second option is the collage on a larger subject. The principle of fining and materials can be used any. All the salt in the form that You will decorate with collage. Will fit old vases, bottles unusual or very ordinary forms, dishes or other items to tuck under the arm. Believe me make a collage on a volumetric basis, not more difficult than on the flat, just the kind of things you will need to find a special place in the house and this also should take care in advance.

Another option is to make a collage on a flexible basis. This applique can be a decoration for bags or jackets — it all depends on your courage. You can take two plastic plates, they should be flexible and punctured with a needle. One You make a collage from fabric, photos, dried flowers and beads. The second plate will need to cover this job to be a kind of aquarium. Where and how You choose to attach a task to Your imagination.

Don't be afraid to try and experiment. Consumable material lies beneath your feet, it is old clothes, shoes, broken jewelry and other debris, which most of us ignore. Their second life will be possible with the technique of collage.