You will need
- Knife, paper towels, iron, turpentine, soap
To remove the wax or paraffin with clothing in several ways. Put the thing in the freezer until the wax hardens. Then gently knife oscremote paraffin tissue. If the fabric is too thin and delicate, you should not touch it with a knife, better go directly to the second step.
Take paper towels and an iron. Lay the garment between two towels and iron with a hot iron. Several times, repeat this step, changing towels. You can also use blotting paper. If the wax was red, a spot of it can prewash in warm soapy water.
If the stain is still visible, use gasoline or turpentine. Lay the garment on a thick layer of paper towels, cotton wool soak in turpentine and blot the stain to her. Wax will dissolve in gasoline and will be absorbed into the paper. With this method, you have to be careful as not all fabrics will withstand contact with gasoline. For example, rubberized fabric to be cleaned with turpentine in any case impossible.
Wash the thing in the machine. If there is a grease stain, try to remove it with alcohol. It must be applied gently on the stain with a cotton swab, without rubbing over the surface.
Follow all the action right, gently. Be careful, take care of your thing. If everything is done correctly from the stain of wax on the fabric will not be over. And romantic dinners, you will not be afraid and arrange them as often as possible.