You will need
- The program, which should be placed in startup.
For startup programs for a particular user answer the registry keys in [HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Run], run whatever program for all users [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Run]. To make any program into the registry is enough to run regedit.exe (C:\WINDOWSSystem32 egedit.exe), to find the matching key in entry FIREFOX.EXE"="C:Program filesMozillafirefox.exe (for example - "the NAME of the EXECUTABLE PROGRAMMEME"="Path to it").

In Windows there is a special "startup " folder" where there are also shortcuts, run at startup programs. Enough to put a shortcut to the program that you would like to see when Windows is booting and after the next reboot it will appear. The startup folder is C:\Documents and SettingsAll Users (user Name)the Main menuprogramsstartup.
There are third-party programs and system tweakers that allow you to change the programs in the startup. These programs have a great many, I would like to mention some of the most popular is CCleaner (cleans the system and some configuration options of Windows), Total commander (file Manager). Both programs are pretty easy to use and have a sufficient set of settings to change registry data and startup.

Should not directly edit the Windows registry, it can lead to system crash. Editing registry keys, you should be careful.