You will need
- Hardware-software complex data recovery a Laboratory inter; knowledge and experience of the specialists of the Laboratory
Find out the reason why USB flash drive not detected by computer. To do this, first open the "device Manager" and look for your USB flash drive (memory card) among the disk devices. If found, go to "disk Manager" and see how the volume defined by the USB flash drive. If no stick in among disk devices or disk Manager incorrect volume (much less more, or a message like "no carrier"), proceed to the second step. If the media is correctly determined by the system, it is likely that the fault is logical in nature and can be solved programmatically.
Reveal the body of USB flash drive and determine what it is and whether it is possible to unsolder the for data recovery. Raspival (namely, unsolder memory chips, as seen in the picture to the article) stick and deducted the contents of the flash programmer.
Analyze the contents of the memory dump file (a file with the raw contents of the memory chips), separated user data from the service information, perform the necessary conversion to the user information: check the presence of the inversion transformation on a page, operations on multiple pages, etc. Generated from the dump blocks for the subsequent Assembly of the virtual image.
Define the algorithm of Assembly inherent in this type of controller and parameters for Assembly of the complete image from individual blocks. Collect virtual image and save the result (user data). In the end, we have disassembled a flash drive (or memory card), and so is unlikely to fix it, and given their relatively low cost, the carrier can be neglected, plus saved data!
if the drive has valuable data, do not attempt to "repair" by re-flashing the controller, as this will make it impossible to continue data recovery.
Useful advice
Recommendation: contact a specialized laboratory