Anode – electrode at which occurs the oxidation reaction. And the electrode at which recovery occurs is called the cathode.
Take for example a galvanic element Jacobi-Daniel. It consists of zinc electrode dipped in a solution of zinc sulfate and a copper electrode in copper sulfate solution. Solutions in contact with each other, but not mixed – it is provided between the porous partition.

The zinc electrode are oxidized, it gives up its electrons, which move the external circuit to the copper electrode. Copper ions from the solution accept electrons СиЅО4 and restored at a copper electrode. Thus, in a galvanic cell the anode is negatively charged and the cathode is positive.

Now consider the process of electrolysis. Installation for electrolysis comprises a vessel with a solution or melt of the electrolyte, which lowered the two electrodes connected to a DC power source. A negatively charged electrode is the cathode, it is recovery. The anode in this case, the electrode connected to the positive pole. It is oxidation.

For example, in the electrolysis solution СuCl2 occurs at the anode of the recovery of copper. The cathode is the oxidation of chlorine.

Therefore, please note that the anode is not always a negative electrode, as the cathode is not in all cases has a positive charge. Factor determining electrode, is occurring in this oxidation or reduction process.