- Once you've bought Corell, try to immediately bring her home and transplanted into a suitable cell. A bird's cage should be covered with a dark thick cloth and leave in a quiet, peaceful place – the bird needs to calm down and get used to the new habitat. This species of parrots is not the most durable and tough nervous system, so the bird feels a lot of stress with moving and a change of scenery. The first few days Corella may refuse to eat, and to drink water – at a time when in the room with the cage there are no people. This is normal for this species of parrots, so do not worry. At this stage, you should simply ensure that the bird's cage was always food and a drinking bowl with fresh water.
- Even if your pet is nervous because of a change of scenery, it is not necessary to completely deprive her of human society. Just put the bird's cage so that she always saw the approaching person. But to open the cage and look inside, not worth it – keep to a minimum the number of direct contacts with the parrot. Well, if the cell allows you to change food and water, not bothering with the Corell. It is therefore better to choose a cage with hinged drinkers and feeders and easy slide-out tray – easy to clean without disturbing the bird.
- Communicating with the bird, try to talk calmly and in no case do not look the bird directly in the eye, such behavior may be perceived as a threat. If you are going to make friends with the bird, approach her slowly, not making sudden movements and without raising his voice. To tame Corell, need to gradually establish contact with her, offering treats from your hands. Sooner or later the bird will get used to you and it will safely take you in his arms. Particularly timid individuals need to spend more time in a darkened room, and all manipulations with the cell, it is desirable to produce only after preliminary darkening.
How to train your Corell
Corella is one of the most popular types of parrots, so very often found in captivity. If you decide to buy Corell, make sure in advance that the birds were of suitable size, the most spacious and comfortable cage. Sometimes parrots are sold tame, but in most cases they shy away from people, so they can hardly be called manual. If you caught such a bird, don't despair – tame Corell is not so difficult.

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