Select the image, reducing it to the required size. Now your picture should get the web address. For this picture you need to upload to one of fotohosting such as,,,, etc. Some of fotohosting require registration for posting photos and pictures, while others allow you to place the picture in one click. After choosing, you can upload a picture. After loading your picture will be assigned a web address (link). Copy it, you need it.
Now you have a link to the picture, and there is a link to a website or web page that should open when you click on the picture. It's time to adjust the special HTML code that originally looks like this (see image):

All you need to do is instead of the address of the page paste the link on your page, and instead of the Address of the picture to insert the result on the photo sharing site link to your picture. Do not change anything in the code except for the words. Quotation marks should remain in place. In the end you should have code like this (see image):