You will need
  • - the account is registered in the blogosphere, - photos in electronic form / link to the photo on the Internet.
Go to your blog by entering the name and password in the upper right corner of the page. In the absence of an account on one of the sites bloggers sign up - this process will not take more than 5 minutes. Confirm the registration at your email and proceed.
In the top menu bar, select "history", then "New entry" if you want to make a new post or "Edit" if you wish to change an existing one. When editing, select one of the entries.
Make the necessary text entries, the title post line up text using the visual editor. Choose a photo on your computer or browsing to the image on the Internet.
In the visual editor, select Image button. In the opened window locate the option to upload pics from the hard drive of your computer or insert an image link.
When you download photos from your computer, click Browse. This opens a window in which Explorer need to find the desired photo on your hard drive. Upon finding the file, double-click the left mouse button to select it. At the bottom of the window, click Upload, i.e. upload.
After some amount of time depending on the speed of your connection, the screen will appear thumbnail of the photo and the information about it - the size and stuff. Click OK. The picture will appear in your record.
If the inserted photo is taken from the Internet, then go to the page from which you want to take a picture, open it. In the visual editor select the Image button, next Link and in the URL insert the url of the page with the photo. And then click OK. The picture appears in the blog.
Next you need to adjust the position of the photo in the post. This can be done by using the same visual editor. Select a photo and select its position on the page (center, offset to the right or to the left).