You will need
- The computer account in WebMoney.
First of all draw the reader's attention to the fact that the account was deleted from the General register of the money transfer system WebMoney impossible. Upon registration each user is assigned a specific identification number, which becomes permanently assigned to it. If you decide to stop working with the system, you can deactivate your account, the details will be stored on the server of the payment system. You can also simply not use their account, however, this may lead to certain consequences (in case the account is compromised). To deactivate your account in the payment system WebMoney, you must perform the following steps.
Go to the mailbox that was specified when registering an account on the system. Here you need to send a letter in support of users of WebMoney. In the letter mandatory, specify your ID number in the system (WMID), and state the nature of your appeal and the reasons for the refusal of services of the payment system. You may have to enter into correspondence with a representative of the WebMoney, in which, you have to perform a number of actions proposed by the Manager of the company. After completing all conditions of your account in the payment system will be closed. Displaying the certificate will contain information that the account is no longer in service.