You will need
  • satin ribbon;
  • pin;
  • a pair of scissors.
Take two long satin strips of equal width. For starters, you will need two ribbons of different colors, such as black and orange. The length of each ribbon must be at least one meter.
Fold the ends of two strips together and tie a knot with a loop. Then on each tape make 2 loops no more than 10-15 cm in length and put them on top of each other. Place the loop on a black ribbon loop on the orange tape and tighten the orange loop.
Then again make a loop on the orange tape. Put it in a black eyelet and tighten the black ribbon. You will be in the hands of the orange loop, which we need again to lay down the black loop.
Thread the black loop in orange, and tighten the orange loop. Do the orange loop, and then thread it into the black loop and tighten. Continue to weave the bracelet, alternately changing and tightening the loop until the bracelet reaches the desired length.
Pull the loop of the same length and tighten them not too hard so that the pattern of the bracelet was accurate, and the ribbons were intertwined exactly the same.
At first, the end loops you can record based on the pin so as not to lose it. In the end, you should get the string with the original square weave. At the end of the baubles tie a regular knot.
With this weave you can do as an independent bracelets and ribbons for bags and garments, as well as, braid, woven so you can decorate various interior items – flower pots, glasses for pens and pencils, and more.