Go to the gym regularly. If you will do this from time to time, randomly varying load and the number of calories consumed, the body may not respond to such sports, that will result for you in the extra pounds.
First, organize your food, taking into account the schedule of trainings. If the last meal is an hour before class, the food will not have time to digest, and intense exercise will inhibit its absorption. Thus you will feel nausea and drowsiness. The body will burn excess fat and spend calories recently eaten lunch. It is desirable that the last meal you had three hours before exercise.
If you have time to run to the gym before work, you would not want to get up three hours early to have Breakfast. But this problem can be solved. For a half hour before class, eat half of your usual portion. For example, the perfect Breakfast for losing weight the athlete will pontarelli oatmeal and coffee with skim milk.
Many people in the gym begin to gain weight at the same time visually for years to come. This happens due to the fact that body fat is replaced by muscle mass, and that, in turn, is heavier than fat. If your goal is to lose weight but not build muscle, you should carefully choose the exercises. Will not significantly affect the pumping muscle mass training on the treadmill. Choose those exercises that contain repetitive movements, where you do not need to exert great effort.
An hour or two after a workout, be sure to eat. If you do not, then, five hours after exercise, you dramatically drop the glucose levels. You will certainly pull on the sweet. And this, in turn, will result in excess deposits in the abdomen and the hips, you're trying to get rid of.