You will need
  • - hair dye;
  • - shampoo;
  • tonic.
To choose the right shade of blonde, use computer technology or to start use the shampoo or tonic of the desired color. Even if you are not satisfied with the result, it's easy to fix, after 4 weeks you will have the original color of hair.
If you finally decided to dye my hair from blonde and become the owner of natural hair color, use a coloring compositions of well-known manufacturers. The advantage of staining the blonde in any shade is the fact that it is not necessary to pre-lighten the hair. You will get any shade of blonde almost immediately, but don't forget, if your natural blond color and you've previously bleached your hair, the exposure time of the coloring composition should be reduced by a third.
To brown hair color was fixed, re-staining in 2-4 weeks. If you dye hair for the first time and blonde is your natural color, keep the coloring composition applied on hair, as much as specified by the manufacturer.
In the cabin you can spend a perfectly harmless coloring, and even the previously bleached hair, the paint will lay down smooth tone and won't wash off in the future. When conducting elyuminirovanie each hair is covered with protective film so the color of hair turns out smooth, rich and not washed out, as in conventional dyeing. If you are not satisfied with the color brown, which turned out, the wizard will wash off the paint with a special compound, and you will receive an initial shade that you had before the staining procedure. The only disadvantage of elyuminirovanie is the price. However, the undoubted advantage is the safety and integrity of color, which is not always possible to achieve by conventional staining.