Write your surname, first name and patronymic. Specify the year of birth and number of years. Typically, the employer will need to know your age, however, he has no desire to calculate.
Write to the address at which you reside, provide a contact phone number where with you, if necessary, can be contacted.
Enter your marital status and the composition of your family.
If you have children, include their age. However, if the woman has young children, about age it is better to remain silent. Of course, to make a secret of it shouldn't either, but it would be better if the employer finds out about it during your personal interview.
Enter information about your education, please indicate when and which educational institution you graduated from. The employer is only interested in higher and secondary education, therefore, specify the year of graduation, and her room would be overkill.
Describe your previous place of work. In order to apply to work on all the rules, you must first specify the last place of work, then the penultimate and so on. At first, specify the name of the company where you worked (currently working on), then your position and duties performed. Do not forget to specify the period of time during which you were an employee of an enterprise. Do not write anything extra. About the level of wages and the reason for the dismissal of the potential employer you will be able to ask in a personal conversation.
Describe your positive qualities and skills. They should overlap with the position for which you are applying and your future responsibilities. No need to list the skills and personal qualities that are not related to the case.
Write what you would like from a new job. Note that in order for the employer off your resume in a folder to "Invite to interview", your wishes should more or less match what you will likely be offered. The desired wage level is optional, as this is best discussed during a personal interview.