Attend the first date in all its glory, bright, beautiful dress, new shoes and with a charming smile on his face. Unconsciously, the man picks a life partner which he could be proud of, to admire. To be beautiful does not mean to look like a star on the cover of gloss. You must be well-groomed, neat, clothes ironed, stockings without hands, nails manicured, hair is clean, beautifully laid and is flowing full-length. Even a modest sundress could do, if the couple to choose the elegant shawl collar and a fashionable handbag.
Like you, the man on the first date will try my best to impress you with a positive impression. He would joke, tell experiences, share their dreams and talk about everything. What would you or he reported, carefully and with genuine interest to look it, ask clarifying questions, admire his stories. When he sees in your eyes its importance, consider that half the job done. Praise and attention are always pleased to receive.
Go look into the mouth of a man is not enough. Become for him an interesting interlocutor with whom it is easy and free to chat with whom you can joke and which are not going to expect quips, sarcasm and criticism. Coldness, sarcasm, arrogance, fault-finding and leave all other situations. Let your partner from the first meeting will appreciate you as a good friend.
Don't deny the man is in the details. Have in mind that on the first date he will want to buy you dinner in the restaurant and to pay the bill, buy movie tickets or amusement Park. Let him be your defender if necessary – the stronger sex is necessary to feel invincible and omnipotent.
When the first date is coming to an end, show restraint and modesty. Allow the chosen one to drive you, escort you to the entrance or even to the door, but do not invite him home, and to him until you ask for it not to be. The maximum that you can afford – kiss. Everything else he will add in the imagination, and your way will be prescribed in his dreams.