You will need
  • computer;
  • - access to the Internet.
Determine the type of the cited document. To make a link to the site, a separate web page on-line book or part of it, online magazine or an article from it, etc. From the document type determines the composition of the description.
Always make a reference to the original language. For example, quoting an article from the American online magazine, information about it in the references present only in the English language. Information to describe the document take only from him. Carefully read the home page and the web-section, which houses the publication. If a description element was not found, skip it.
Remember the basic information that must be specified when making reference to Internet source:

1. The author of the publication. In the description enter the last name and initials without decrypting, for example: "Ivanov I. I.". Please note that the author must be the Creator of it you quoted the text, not the website. After this element in the description of a dot.

2. The title of the document. Here you need to specify the name of a specific publication or web page. For example: "10 ways to get rich" or "City information answers".

3. The type of document. Use the standard phrase "electronic resource". This element is enclosed in square brackets: [Electronic resource].

4. Information about responsibility. This list of authors, if more than three, or organization that created the electronic document. Often used when describing books. Before this element of the description is the forward slash. For example: "/ I. I. Ivanov, V. Petrov, S. S. Sidorov, I. K. Kirillov, etc." or "/ Institute of ophthalmology".

5. Information about the main document. Used when describing parts of books or articles from journals. The element is preceded by two forward slashes. For Example: "// Bulletin Of Academy Of Sciences".

6. Place and date of publication. For books this element will look like this: "Moscow, 2011". In the description of electronic articles indicate the year and number of the journal: "2011. No. 3."

7. Notes. Specify information important for understanding the specific characteristics of the online document system requirements to view the page (e.g., the need for a graphics editor), restricting access to the resource (for example, after paid registration), etc.

8. E-mail address and date of access to the document. Specify the abbreviation URL, replacing Russian, the phrase "Mode of access". Next, give the full http address of the site or individual pages. In parentheses write the date when you visited this Internet resource, for example: "(date accessed: 25.12.2011)". A specific number, it is desirable to specify always, because electronic documents often change their "residence" or disappear altogether.
Study the following examples of the most common links to Internet documents. Make a description of the cited document, based on one of them.
The link to the site in General

Moscow state University. M. V. Lomonosov: [Electronic resource]. M., 1997-2012. URL: (Date of access: 18.02.2012).

Link to web page

Information for applicants: [Electronic resource] // Moscow state University. M. V. Lomonosov. M., 1997-2012. URL: (Date of access: 18.02.2012).
Link to on-line magazine

Secretary-referent. 2011. No. 7: [Electronic resource]. URL: (Date of access: 18.02.2012).

Link to on-line article

Kamenev, E. M. Form of registration documents: // Secretary-referent. 2011. No. 7. URL: (Date of access: 18.02.2012).
Link to on-line book

Stepanov V. the Internet in professional information activities: [Electronic resource]. 2002-2006. URL: (Date of access: 18.02.2012).

Link to part on-line-books

Stepanov V. Electronic documents Internet: description and citation: [Electronic resource] // V. Stepanov Internet in professional information activities. 2002-2006. URL: (Date of access: 18.02.2012).