You will need
  • oven;
  • stained glass varnish;
  • - lacquer for the hair;
  • - nail Polish;
  • - acrylic lacquer.
There are several types of paints used for painting glass. For convenience they can be divided into the following categories: film, stained glass and paint under the firing.
To work with the film paints the easiest way to deal with that even a little child. The printed image must be put in a plastic file and apply a film of paint already on him. After the paint has dried, it can be removed and used as appliques to stick on the glass. Unfortunately, the film of paint is not fixed, so if you decide to wash a vase or candle holder with a similar pattern, the application should be removed, and then pasting back. But such stained glass can be used on a variety of items, choosing a place where it would be better just to look.
If you use stained-glass paint, water-based or solvent-based, to consolidate you will need a special stained glass paint. If the varnish is carefully applied on top a thin layer, it will be almost invisible. Stained glass varnish it is best to purchase from the same manufacturer whose paint you use for painting glass.
To consolidate the paint under the roasting your regular oven. Put a product on the grill, turn the oven and set the temperature, which should be indicated on the paint (usually 130-150 degrees). After the product was baked for the allotted time, which is also indicated on the paint (typically 30-40 minutes), turn off the oven and wait until the glass cooled. After that, if desired, the picture can also be lacquered.
If you do not have a special material to secure the pattern on the glass, you can use hairspray, colorless nail Polish, and acrylic paint used for correcting and increasing the nail plate.