You will need
- means for washing dishes,
- refined gasoline,
- talc or potato starch,
- acetone,
- turpentine,
- alcohol,
- ammonia,
- glycerin.
Scrape off the remnants of mayonnaise from the clothes. Try to do it as soon as possible, otherwise the fat will be absorbed into the fibers of the fabric and bring the stain will become more difficult. Then blot with a trace of mayonnaise on a paper towel, without rubbing. Mix in a small container teaspoon of dishwashing detergent and a few drops of water. Apply the mixture on the stain using a foam sponge and leave for 2-3 hours. After this time wash the trace of the stain under running water and wash clothing.
Put the product on a flat surface. On the reverse side, attach a paper towel folded in several layers. Moisten a cotton pad in the cleaned gas. It can be purchased in the construction or hardware store. Treat contaminated area from the periphery to the center. Then apply to the stain of mayonnaise talc or potato starch. Leave it for a while. Wash the fabric in the washing machine with detergent booster.
Remove old traces of mayonnaise with organic solvents - acetone, rubbing alcohol or turpentine. On the reverse side of the spot and attach a piece of wood, covered with white cloth, or gauze. Dampen a cotton ball in the solvent and treat the soiled area from the middle to the center. If the first attempt failed to get the stain out, repeat the procedure from the beginning. When the fabric is cleaned, wash it with detergent for stubborn stains.
Mix 1 teaspoon of 10% solution of ammonia with 1 tablespoon of glycerin. A few times, wipe the grease stain from the edges to the middle with a cotton swab dipped in medium. Then rinse the treated area under running water. Asterite trace from stains with a stain remover or dishwashing detergent. Wash clothes at a temperature of 30 ° C with highly active powder.