To distinguish a stomach ulcer from gastritis quite difficult. Because of the similarity of symptoms one can only assume that the gastritis was complicated by ulcer. The exact same diagnosed the gastroenterologist after performing diagnostic procedures such as EGD and x-rays of the stomach.
If you do decide to try to distinguish gastritis from ulcers without further research and the advice of a doctor, pay attention to the localization of the pain. For gastritis the discomfort is concentrated in the epigastric region. Ulcer pain sharp, diffuse, may radiate to the back, iliac or precordial region. By and large, its localization depends on the location of the ulcer.
And for gastritisand gastric ulcer typical "hungry" pain. But if the discomfort in gastritis occur only after 3.5-4 hours after the last meal, ulcer excruciating pain may appear after 1.5-2 hours and accompanied by nausea.
For gastritis and gastric ulcer in most cases is different. For ulcers are characterized by periods of exacerbation that occurs usually in spring and autumn. Gastritis is equally painful in any time of the year, course of the disease depends more on diet than the season.
A characteristic sign of ulcers are stomach night pain that will not go away until the person will not eat. Gastritis usually worries throughout the day and not disrupt sleep.
Hand over the General analysis of blood. In gastritis it usually is not detected any changes. Peptic ulcer disease is often determined by a decrease in hemoglobin, sometimes up to 100 g/l and below.
In gastric ulcer the symptoms are more pronounced than in gastritis. Therefore, if you notice that the usual pain or heartburn increased, and medicines that helped earlier, ceased to operate, contact your doctor.
If you experience sharp piercing pain, vomiting with admixture of blood, reducing blood pressure and severe weakness, immediately consult a doctor. These symptoms may be only in the perforation of ulcers, and is a lethal condition.