You will need
- - 2 sieves;
- - plug;
- - 2 large bowls or pelvis;
- - water.
Take 2 sieves. One has to be with cells of such size that they freely pass the egg. The second - with smaller holes. Methods of processing of caviar of salmon fishes all about the same. A sieve with larger cells placed in the bottom of the basin or bowl. The dishes take a plastic or enameled. It is desirable to use an aluminum bowl. The plug is preferably made of stainless steel.
Remove the eggs. It can be in a plastic bag. If so, gently peel the film with a fork and vsporite bag. Try not to damage the eggs. Put the eggs in a sieve, distributing it more or less even layer.
Pour a layer of caviar clean, cold water. Sieve this should not be completely under water. The eggs may float freely, but don't fall into the pelvis through the top, otherwise the procedure will lose all meaning, because exactly the same on the walls will float and foreign particles. Carefully, trying not to crush the eggs, stir a few times the contents of the sieve. Large debris, blood clots and part of the films will separate themselves. Remove them with a fork. If the cells are large enough, the eggs will fall through them into the bowl, and all the junk will stay on the grid.
Take a more fine sieve. With it, strain the eggs in another bowl. Drain the water and replace with clean. Rinse the eggs directly in the pelvis, in the same way by removing the film and debris with a fork. Procedure is carried out until until the washing water does not become completely transparent, and among eggs not meet debris, membranes and clots. Remove dead eggs. You will see them immediately, they have a white or brown color. After you verify that no debris, and no films no more, and the water drains perfectly clean, put the eggs in a bowl for pickling.
Repeated washing of the caviar before salting is a mandatory procedure. Along with films and other foreign objects in the calf can occur protecting - the larval stage of the tapeworm threat. In case of wrong cooking techniques she enters the human body.
Salted eggs must endure the quarantine period. It depends on the salt concentration.
Salted eggs must endure the quarantine period. It depends on the salt concentration.
Useful advice
Some recommend before washing rinse the eggs with boiling water. This method allows you to quickly separate the film, but caviar is actually welded and loses its properties. Dead white eggs becomes longer than during normal washing.