You will need
- Box cutter, refined petrol, acetone, white spirit, wiper, foil, iron.
Moisten contaminated sites Stella hot water. This will help to remove the paint. Then take a utility knife and carefully scrape spots. Use only a sharp blade, otherwise the glass will be scratches.
Buy at the hardware store mineral spirits. Moisten a cotton pad to dissolve and apply to the stain from the paint. Hold in this position for a few minutes and wipe.
Treat the stain from latex paint wiper. It is sold in walmart and major supermarkets. Spray onto stained areas of the glass and leave it for a while. Then wipe clean with a damp cloth. If the stain is not able to clean, remove mechanically by the knife.
Use cleaned gasoline. It can be bought at a hardware store. Treat the traces of paint with a cotton swab dipped in medium. If there was no gasoline, use acetone or kerosene.
Apply to contaminated land glass a piece of foil and heat with a flat iron or Hairdryer. Under the influence of high temperature paint will soften and can easily be removed. To carry out such a procedure is possible only in case, if on the glass there are large drops of paint.
After remove the paint, wash the glass. To do this, use a special tool. Spray the liquid on the glass, wipe cloth, absorbent, and Polish with a dry microfiber cloth.
Spread 1 tablespoon of 10% ammonia in several litres of clean water. Dampen a sponge and clean the glass from pollution. Then wipe with a damp cloth and Polish with a dry cloth.
Useful advice
Try to remove traces of paint as soon as possible. Fresh stains can be rubbed away with a cloth soaked in clean water.