You will need
  • mask;
  • - balls;
  • with a massage track;
  • - skittles;
  • for sports games;
  • - fatigue mats.
In the Junior group of the kindergarten area is made as part of a large playing area. For toddlers needs to be a roller coaster ride to walk and push along toys and balls of different sizes. Children 2-4 years old are constantly in active motion, and at their discretion, they offered toys.
In the sports area are fit for organized activities kids: for sports games and exercises. Therefore, there must be masks for games. Basically, it's those characters that are most often found in their games: cat, rabbit, Fox, bear, wolf (1 PCs.). Items for the exercises, should be a lot – to all children of the group: blocks, soft balls, soltanici. Have to be diamonds to complete the exercises in the suggested rhythm.
In the middle group of the kindergarten sports area is complemented by albums to introduce them to different sports: "Winter sports", "Summer sports." Sports fixtures for the exercises is now not needed for all children, but only for subgroups, because the children themselves organize sports games, copying the actions of an instructor in physical education. Free access to find and sports games: skittles, skittles, Darts.
In the older group of kindergarten equipment sports area expands at the expense of the mats to complete the kids fitness exercises. In addition to the albums on sport laid out the schema of the games with rules that children clearly can remember and spend your favorite game.
In each age group in the sports area there are special lanes for exercise of the foot. It can be mats of factory work or made the teacher together with parents and children. For example, a track attached to it with buttons of various sizes; or with chopsticks inserted in the stitched grooves of the soft material.