To the territory of the kindergarten was given a festive appearance, break the plot a few flower beds. They can plant flowers that do not require special care - nails, burotime, pansies. Plant seeds with children. Feeling responsible for green shoots, the kids will be happy to water the flowers and weed them from weeds.
If the kindergarten is still no trees they must plant. You can also Refine the plot of the bushes and planted them along the tracks. It is better to use varieties without thorns, for example, broom. Almost all of its varieties are frost-resistant and very beautiful in bloom.
Will definitely pitch for kids sandbox. Just need to put together four plates and bring sand. And how much joy will bring children modeling mud pies and building sand castles!
To games children was more diverse, you can draw with paint on the pavement classics. Do the squares with numbers are not very large, so that even the youngest groups can participate in the fun.
Blank wall of a kindergarten can be turned into Darts. Of course, to play children will not dart and ball. Therefore, the need to do large. Draw them in different colors, writing inside circle points. If the kids consider themselves not yet able, they will help educators.
To apply for a kindergarten it is possible, settled there fabulous creatures. If you have the means, you can buy ready-made figurines of dwarves, forest animals and Pets. They are made for the improvement of cottages.
If no extra money, find craftsmen cabinetmakers among fathers. They may be manufactured from small logs billets for figures. Mothers with children will give them a finished look by drawing paint faces and clothes.
Purchase plastic containers of large sizes. They are quite inexpensive, but it is very convenient to store toys. Containers can be placed next to the sandbox, to put buckets, shovels, molds. Then teachers won't have to make toys in the yard, they will always be near the Playground.
The main condition for registration of a plot in the children's garden - the safety of kids. Making items for the Playground, do not leave sharp corners. Use eco-friendly safe materials. Don't do too high of stairs. Try to create a yard in which you fear would let their own child.