If any of the devices your computer does not want to work, should first check, whether the computer a specific driver that matches your operating system.
To start in Windows XP, click the right mouse button on the icon "My computer" and select "Properties", then navigate to the Hardware tab and click device Manager. In Windows Vista or Windows 7 instead of the General tab, select the section "device Manager" in the left part of the window.
Under "device Manager" shows all the devices on your computer. Here are shown both internal and external devices. Among the many devices can be devices that are marked with an icon with a question mark or exclamation point. These icons alert you to the fact that for this device are not installed necessary drivers or installed wrong.
In this case, you must supply a disk with the right drivers to the computer drive, if not, then you need to download the drivers from the Internet. In the window click right mouse button on the selected device and select "Update driver software...".
Select the desired setting: with the drive or folder, do not forget to specify operating system folder or disk that has the drivers installed. Wait a few seconds until Windows installs the drivers, your problem device will begin active and work correctly.
As you can see, to install the necessary drivers is no big deal. The most important is to choose the right device that requires the driver installation and find a program that will fit exactly for your version of operating system. And, of course, don't lose the disks with the drivers are issued with purchase of the computer or other devices.