If you came up with the idea to prepare a snack of boiled vegetables, then boil them in advance and let cool. Boiled vegetables should be kept in the refrigerator.
If you have any idea to treat your guests with original pate, it is necessary to prepare two days before the feast, pate will have time to soak and to acquire the necessary taste. It is no secret that the mood of celebration to create to the table cold snacks, different in shape, taste and color.
If you plan just a snack table, we should calculate the fare that each guest had at least ten different dishes, and traditional if it is hot, it must be at least five types of snacks. Serve meals in an original and beautiful dish that would meet dishes.
The raw vegetables look great on a tray or on a flat plate covered with some kind of greens or lettuce. But I love cheese dishes from the wood, and if not, then a beautiful plate openwork embellish an appetizer out of cheese. It can be decorated with rosemary or bunches of greens.
Quickly enough, you can prepare the deviled eggs, they should be welded with hard-boiled then cut in half, yolks mix thoroughly with mayonnaise, anchovy fillets, and black pepper. With this mixture fill the egg halves and embellish with greenery.