One of the most dangerous diseases carried by these blood-suckers, is a tick-borne encephalitis. It affects the nervous system, gives the complications in the brain and spinal cord. In the form of flu-like symptoms of this disease are similar to common cold: weakness, aching muscles and joints, fever. In the meningeal form of the patient, in addition to the above symptoms, feel strong chills, painful headaches. If time does not go to the doctor, you can remain disabled or die.
The second and equally dangerous disease, which can be transmitted after the tick bite is Lyme disease or Lyme disease. The incubation period for this disease is much more prolonged and can last from 7 to 31 days. The symptoms are similar to flu-like form of encephalitis, but the bite almost always there is a clear red ring. Lyme disease can be treated effectively with antibiotics, but in advanced chronic form to cope with it is much more difficult. In the latter case can develop a rare and severe form of dermatitis, arthrosis and arthritis.
Ticks carry diseases such as typhus and relapsing tick fever. These infectious diseases are characterized by a sharp rise in temperature to 38-40 ° C, chills, severe sweating, aching muscles, feeling of weakness. When typhus tick-borne typhus in the bite location you can detect the area of necrosis of the skin, and then skin rashes, and recurrent typhus – a papule cherry color.
In addition, ticks carry piroplasmosis virus that is not dangerous to humans, but can seriously damage the health of Pets. Animal, sick piroplasmosis requires immediate treatment with special drugs. The symptoms of this disease are fever, lack of appetite, lethargy, diarrhea.