In this article, the basic diet and their characteristics.

Japanese diet. Famous Japanese diet is a special diet for two weeks. At the same time for 14 days, you can lose about 7-9 pounds. It should be noted that "sit" on the Japanese diet should not exceed 14 days, or may occur "problem" with metabolism and even the new obesity.

Diet Testing. This diet is known that the process of weight loss it is without any marks on the beauty of your body. However, the coin has two sides. Protasov diet lasts for 5 weeks. A consequence of this, for those who have the opportunity to lose weight slowly.

The egg diet. Of course, the diet in eggs suitable for those who love them. This diet has contraindications about the cholesterol contained in the yolk. It is worth saying that before you start losing weight, you need to consult a doctor for advice, because egg diet does not fit all.

Six petals. This diet promises a quick result that does not require much effort. Its whole meaning lies in the fact that food is one kind of food, which is chosen at will. The volume of food intake is not important, the main thing is to eat food as needed.

Kremlin diet. Diet – is another easy way of weight loss. It is possible to lose 8-16 pounds. The meaning of the diet: the body begins to "burn" fat deposits after losing weight reduced carbohydrate intake in your diet. However Kremlin diet has a lot of contraindications.

Diet Maggi. If you have good willpower and want 4 weeks to eat a special diet, then this method will probably fit you. This diet is stringent in terms of diet and consumption of essential products. Its positive aspect is the small number of contraindications. It should be noted that the diet Maggie can benefit people of all ages. In this case, use only once a year.

Buckwheat diet. Enough is known to all the diet, which is a effective way to lose weight in the short term – one to two weeks. It is necessary to eat only buckwheat porridge in any quantity, and yogurt with low fat.