By nature man plays a social role. Clown and proud in the shower can be very nice and friendly person, but the person he was, because that's his role. Playing it, man creates for himself a kind of mask, the image to which it corresponds.

Scientists have proved that women are better at detecting lies. It happened so, because the female brain is designed to communicate that a woman will ever become mother, she will have to raise a child, and thus to recognize his lies.

How to spot a lie?

The eyes

The conduct of dialogue have the potential liar in the eyes. It is known that in certain situations, people, without realizing it, carries out the movements of eyes. For example, if averting his eyes to the right side, recalls the actual events that occurred in fact, and left – invents and imagines. However, there is one exception. When a person looks left down, he recalls his tactile sense, that is, smell and taste.

The body

If you notice that only one side of the body of your partner is very active (leg, hand), it indicates that the person thinks is absolutely not what it says. Also by the movements of the left shoulder can reveal a lie. Liar, thought it caught, begins to act carefully, weigh their words, to follow the expression of his face and, very importantly, begins to speak slowly.

Face and lips

Asymmetric facial expression, perhaps even the distortion of a smile or face in one direction indicates an absolute lie. The fact that so liar pretending to feel the emotion. If the conversation with someone you notice that the other person raised his chin, his guard – he doesn't like you and makes you angry. Surprise your interlocutor about if lasts longer than 5-6 seconds.


Lying about a person often keeps his neck or straightens his tie. It is even possible that you will see a gesture of strangulation, that is, in a literal sense stand at the man in the throat. A man trying to hide his hands from view, or close them to the castle, most likely lying.

Closely monitor the behavior of potential fraud, then you will be able to spot and prevent fraud.