Coco Chanel gave the number five mystical meaning, believing that it brings good luck, but better yet happy date earned through non-trivial thinking the Coco.

The idea of creating your own scent came to her head when a cousin of Emperor Nicholas II, Grand Duke Dmitry Romanov, with whom Coco was tied in a romantic relationship, got her a meeting with a French chemist, born in Russia, Ernest Bo.

Subsequently, he designed Chanel No. 5, although many mistakenly attribute the creation of the fragrance itself Mademoiselle Chanel. Order Coco Ernest Beaux created 24 mix of floral smells. Selected were the only five.

There are several legends explaining why all of the proposed diversity Mademoiselle Chanel stayed at this option. In the first of them, Coco said the cost of ingredients and the most expensive, Jasmine, added in the fifth instance in large quantity, improving its quality. According to another version, the apprenticeship of Ernest Beaux, the composition is messed up and by mistake instead of 1% added to test the aroma of a 10% solution of the aldehyde, significantly increasing the durability of spirits.

One way or another, but the flavor was really unique, combining 80 shades of odors, instead of the traditional at that time one.

Under the perfume, which is unique, picked up the most common crystal vessel of rectangular shape. This choice was hiding clever marketing ploy, since such deliberate design simplicity attracted much more attention of potential buyers than fancy bottles of other spirits.

From that moment began the path of a masterpiece.

Fashion historians believe that for your financial well-being Chanel fashion house first and foremost have to thank the line of perfume, who for all time of existence to bring its owners about $ 1.5 billion.