Usually, gossip is a distorted version of reality, or speculation, and the idea of history, unsubstantiated by the facts.


It is considered that the founders of gossip are exclusively women. Men have nemnogosloven and lack of interest in conveying information about what is happening in the lives of their friends. However, the male population susceptible to the spread of gossip in equal measure with the female half.

Reaction to gossip

First and foremost, not respond to gossip aggression and excuses. These actions will create the effect the veracity of the information in the eyes of others. One who is not guilty will not look for excuses, to speak in his own defence or to attack the opponent. A strong response to the rumor, the reaction will only reinforce the interest of others.

The best option reaction to the rumor is its absolute disregard. Not received in response to share emotions, gossip will soon lose interest in the fictional story and to the person that was targeted. Be aware that often people that spread gossip have absolutely no outstanding events in life, there is nothing of interest to them, therefore they find fun, coming up with false stories about other people. In addition, this category of the population may differ with envy more successful and diversified people that can also cause gossip.

In the case when gossip clearly denigrates the honor and dignity of the person, accusing him in any action, substituting in the eyes of people whose opinion is authoritative, it is possible to open dialogue with the distributor of gossip, which should clarify the basis for his story, is there to substantiate its facts. Should enlist the support of witnesses and people who heard the story from the person. However, such a development can lead to conflict and tension in the team.

Gossip is a positive side – if you want to create a reputation, to attract attention to any event, it is enough to tell the "big secret" information to gossip, and soon the story will get the necessary distribution.

Thus, the most advantageous option when responding to gossip is ignoring them or using in their own interests.