Runs the mechanism of recovery of the person. Improves memory, normalizes cardiovascular activity and overall health. When instead of the usual 3 thousand calories we consumed 1000, the body immediately missing calories will take from our fat stores. It will not cause any harm.

Fasting is not starvation, and a reduction of calories consumed. There is a very tasty and light diet for those days, the so-called fed days. The basis is a protein. These days lighter, the effect of them, no less than from the others. A drastic change in diet not everyone is ready. Suitable for nursing moms.

1. Meat day. Choose lean meat varieties (chicken breast, veal, etc.). The body gets all the essential nutrients, especially protein, which is useful for muscle mass. To the meat add the vegetables but not the potato. Tea without sugar or decoction of herbs, berries, such as rosehip. The menu for the day:

  • boiled meat – 500 gr.;
  • vegetables – 300 gr.;
  • tea or broth – 600 ml;
  • still water - as much as you want.

The meat should be divided into five portions. The liquid drink in each meal. At lunch and dinner eat meat with garnish. In other methods without garnish.

Dinner at 1800. Cook everything without salt and sugar.

2. Cheese day. When eating cheese the feeling of satiety remains for a long time. This is the maximum nourishment for the body, rich in calcium, minerals and of course proteins. There are several options:

  • Cottage cheese and fruit, for example apples (0,5 kg of cottage cheese and 2 Apple green).
  • Cottage cheese and sour cream (700 g and 50 g. the sour cream).
  • Cottage cheese and berries (650 g. and 1 Cup of berries).
  • Cheese and meat (500 gr. TV. and 250 gr. lean meat).

3. Combined fasting day. It is a very satisfying day. You can use cheese, coffee, sugar, boiled eggs, low-fat cottage cheese.

  • Morning – 100g. cheese and a Cup of coffee with sugar.
  • Lunch 2 eggs and coffee with or without sugar as you want.
  • Dinner 200 grams. cheese.

During the fasting days do not forget to drink teas or decoctions as much as you want. Easy fitness also does not hurt.

Before the fast day allowed a light dinner, get in a fasting day you need right. The output is not less important. The Breakfast will be vegetable soup.

With the help of these days you can gradually move to proper nutrition. Get rid of the habit of overeating. Do fasting days once a week one day or 3 consecutive days once a month. It's a wonderful rest the body. But the cheerfulness and good mood for sure.