Physiological contraception

Among physiological safety methods are distinguished: calendar, method, amenorrhea while breastfeeding and temperature contraception.

When nanorana prevention is the inhibition of ovulation by prolactin, which is produced when breastfeeding. But it can last only for six months after delivery and only with proper breastfeeding.

As for the calendar method, when there are safe and unsafe periods of the cycle. It is believed that the egg comes on the fourteenth day after the beginning of menstruation, and sperm live up to seven days inside a woman's body. From this and repel in the calculations. The effect is only at a regular menstruation.

Temperature protection is different from the previous because the determination of ovulation occurs at high temperature. The basal temperature must be measured every day under certain conditions.

Other types of contraception

In addition to the physiological contraception there is still mechanical, intrauterine, hormonal, chemical, and female sterilization.

Mechanical contains the female condom or femidon, the cervical cap and vaginal diaphragm. These funds are completely safe and protect against diseases transmitted through sex, about them it is not necessary to consult with the doctor, they have no side effects and contraindications. That's just going to have to adjust to wear or to enter them before intercourse, they can slip in the process, they may be allergic.

When intrauterine contraception into the vagina spiral, which will prevent fertilization of the egg and poison the spermatozoa. Cons - painful menstruation, possible loss of devices and the risk of pregnancy. However, the spiral can be used for five years and during breastfeeding.

Hormonal protection is good because it will only need to take pills or taking injections, sticking plasters. But all this a large number of contraindications and no protection from diseases.