This decline in female irritable that nothing makes her happy, anything she does not want and while you want all at once, the blame is all and in all.

There are many options how easier to transfer this state. You can also just wait when it will go away. It is possible to fight hard to stick on "good mood".

Some girls helps to fall to the bottom, and then push off from it and float. Each for himself is looking for suitable recipes.

Below are some universal methods that will help to move the apathy and melancholy.

1. Walk. Go out on the street, although there is absolutely no desire. This will help to get out of their familiar environment and get fresh air.

2. To leave the city or the country. Nature will help cure any depression. You can go a couple days and just walk an hour or two or three.

3. Go to bed earlier than the usual time. The best time to relax the nervous system from 21:00 to 00:00 in the morning. After hours night sleep is not a drug for the body.

4. Place your order. Just wash dishes and dismantle what has long been wanted, or simply a wet cleaning under Groovy and catchy music. Throw out all the trash and debris. The apartment will be cleaner, brighter and fresher and the soul too.

5. Write. Take a pen and paper and start writing all the bad, why are you so bad what is happening in your life. The paper will endure all. Express your thoughts and feelings on paper. You will immediately become easier. And then tear the leaves and throw away.


6. Beauty treatments. Make a mask for the face or hair. Or simply soak up in the bathroom. Do yourself a massage with fragrant oil. Paying attention to your body, you lift yourself up.

7. Try to fulfill the dream. Small, not very significant, but your dream. Buy or make something that has long wanted.

8.Do what you love. Embroider, sing, dance, prepare food, read, draw — any action that will help you to lighten the mood.

9. Feed the animals or birds. It helps a lot.

It is possible to resort to other methods, but they better not abuse it.

1. The food and sweets. For many it is the best medicine. And it really works, but not for long. And this contributes to deteriorate the figure. A tainted figure will throw you into a deeper depression.

2. To forget, many are beginning to keep myself busy. It's distracting, but when things end, eventually, you will have an even deeper feeling of emptiness and uselessness.

3. Everyone bitching and whining how bad everything is. But in the end will come relief for a minute and broken relationships.

You can choose any of these ways or use the ones that you help. Most importantly, do not dwell on his bad mood and not worry about what it is you have.

For women this difference is a normal phenomenon, it is necessary to take. Because every crisis is given to us to cleanse your soul and deeper learning itself.