Excessive or insufficient watering can cause yellow leaves orchids

The most simple explanation why yellow leaves of Orchid is the death of old leaves. Some varieties (Cattleya, Phalaenopsis, paphiopedilum) over time, the lower leaf turns yellow and dries up. The orchids of the Dendrobium Nobile varieties can turn yellow or even fall off all the leaves with blooming bulbs. In these cases, the appearance of yellow leaves is due to the natural process of dying back. After the sheet is completely dry, it will fall off, and it can be removed. Optional pre-cut off the leaves starting to turn yellow.

The next reason that Orchid yellow leaves – is excessive watering. The Orchid is a flower resistant, it can withstand a long absence of moisture, and long-term intensive irrigation. However, after a few months of this kind of care the plant will need repairing.

Signs of yellowing leaves Orchid from over-watering:

  • the appearance of dark spots on the sheet;
  • the leaves lose their elasticity and become loose;
  • begin to turn yellow all the leaves top and bottom;
  • the trunk of the tree is covered with black spots;
  • the flower sits loosely in the pot;
  • the roots of the plants blacken or become invisible through the transparent wall of the pot.

If you have these symptoms, you must get a plant from the soil, inspect the roots and, depending on their condition, to carry out reconstruction activities.

Yellow leaves orchids and insufficient moisture. The leaves fade, turn yellow and gradually wither. To evaluate how moist the soil is by using wooden sticks. It must be carefully placed along the walls of the pot. If after a few minutes the stick is damp, then the soil is sufficiently hydrated, but the leaves turn yellow from excess moisture. Experienced lovers of orchids can determine the soil moisture by weight – if the pot is in the hands seems easy, then it's time the plant is watered.

The orchids in transparent pots with proper watering the roots of greenish mother-of-pearl, and the walls do not accumulate condensate.

If the soil is dry, the plant needs water. If the leaves continue to turn yellow, you need to release the Orchid from the ground, evaluate the condition of the roots, if necessary – to transplant and to monitor watering.

The leaves of an Orchid turn yellow and sunburn

Yellow leaves Orchid if the plant in hot weather stands on the South or West side. The sheet gets a sunburn, the area of contact of the rays eventually turn yellow and gradually dry out, but then does not apply. It is necessary to protect the Orchid from direct sunlight.

When the plant is not getting enough light, orchids yellow leaves at the base, and then die. The junction of the leaf stalk may be affected. In this case, the patient sheet must be removed and cut off the top if the stem is black. Cut places can be treated with iodine or green paint, the tools necessary to disinfect.

Other reasons due to which orchids yellow leaves

The orchids needed potassium and iron. The lack of these elements may be another reason leaves turn yellow orchids. In this case, it need fertilizing with iron-containing compounds and potassium. If irrigation is used tap water, using peat the plant will be able to pick up iron from the water.

The lower leaves of an Orchid growing without a substrate, can turn yellow from root burn. This means that the amount of salts and fertilizers significantly exceeded the norm.

Water hardness is also the reason for the appearance of yellow leaves. Gradually the soil will sasalita, iron will not do the plant, the lower leaves, and then everyone else, will begin to turn yellow and fall off. In this case, the soil need to be replaced, the sheets processed by liquid fertilizers. Distilled water should be diluted with tap water in equal proportions.

Proper and timely care of Orchid ensures a healthy, gorgeous bloom.