You will need
  • - 100 grams of sugar
  • - 100 grams of vinegar
  • - 80 grams salt
  • - Bay leaf
  • - one sheet of hell
  • two umbrella dill, or just dill
  • - two cloves of garlic
  • - sweet pea
  • - red pepper
To make crispy canned pickles, we will need the capacity. Better suited for this glass jars. This portion is designed for three-liter jar. But you can close in one-litre and two-litre - just do the calculation on the required capacity.
Then clean banks need to warm up in the oven, boil or sterilize with a special device. Put in a saucepan, pour water, set the jar upside down and boil the water for several minutes. Cover it is necessary to boil.
To close crunchy pickles, you need to prepare them. Fill the cucumbers with cold water and leave for a few hours. Greens you need to wash and chop, garlic peel, spices away. All put in a jar. The washed cucumbers are also placed in the jar. Pour the boiling water, cover with a lid and leave to until the water in the pot to cool. Pour water through the special lid to the pot.
In a jar with cucumbers pour salt, sugar and vinegar.
After this procedure, follow the two options you prefer. Personally I always use the second. It seems to me that this preserves the flavor of the cucumbers and spices.
1. In a saucepan, add clean water, let it boil, pour into the jar with cucumbers. Close the cover cucumbers with canning machine. Covered with a warm blanket and leave until cool.
2. In a saucepan, add the water drained from the jar with cucumbers and then all the previous version.