You will need
  • - professional make-up;
  • - cosmetics;
  • - brushes of different sizes.
Look at the images of clowns. They are completely different. The makeup of a clownas the face of a man, reflects his character, inner world. A clown can be sad or, conversely, funny and catchy. But common to all clowns is the presence of a large round nose and wide-ranging mouth.
Clip away the hair to avoid staining them with paint. With the help of professional makeup white scroll all over the face or simply highlight the mouth and eyes. For this color the upper eyelid including the eyebrow, to forehead. To draw a big mouth, use of the cheeks and chin.
Outline the mouth in red. Draw your lower lip, pretending to smile between the future lips of a clown. If you decide to put make-up sad clown, respectively, the corners of the lips should be deleted, showing sadness.
Outline eyes with black paint. Using a thin brush paint on eyelashes. Draw the surprised eyebrows. They should be located on the forehead above the natural eyebrow line.
Make the nose. It is possible to draw red paint in the form of a circle, and you can use the classic foam or plastic clown nose any color and size.
If desired, draw rosy cheeks using makeup in any color.
To make the image more complete, wear any wig with curly bright hair. You can use different hats and bows.
Don't be afraid to experiment with color. Your makeup should be fully consistent with the nature of clownyou want to portray. Moreover, realizing their imagination and playing with color, you will create a bright, unique image.