If you want to earn from 200 to 500 rubles per day on the Internet, consider what talents, skills you have for this. For example, if you can do research work, write music, draw, and edit pictures or videos, try to offer your services, using sites of free announcements. Better suited for this portal "Avito", where you can Express yourself in your community. Specify the cost of your services and wait for the first customers.
To find customers willing to pay for performing various types of work on sites for freelancers, for example, Freelance or FL. These resources are convenient because here you can not only offer services, but also to choose potential customers to contact them with your offer and to negotiate the terms of work.
Try to make money online by writing for websites and private clients. Sign up on one or more exchanges for copywriters. The most popular and available for beginners – Textsale, Advego and ETXT. Here you can take orders on writing texts of various volume and cost, which allows without difficulty to earn from 200 to 500 rubles a day already at the initial stage. Gradually your ranking will increase, which will allow access to more expensive orders.
Create your own website and start earning on it. Currently open your personal page is not difficult. It can be an information resource that will be profitable in placing on the pages of the site contextual advertising, banners and links, or an online store where you can sell products of own production or offer services. Training to earn on the stock exchanges of texts you'll learn how to create beautiful and eye-catching texts for my site, which will occupy high positions in Internet search engines.
Quite popular is the earnings on the creation of groups in social networks or even on your personal page. As soon as the number of subscribers exceeds a few hundred or thousand, you can post in the group or on the page advertising from third parties on favorable terms. In addition, quite attractive is the opportunity to earn money on YouTube by posting videos both personal and third party production. A large number of subscribers to the channel will allow you to place the commercials advertising that will also make a profit during their viewing.
Funds withdrawal is carried out in several ways, for example, will be credited to your account in one of electronic currency systems, where they can later be transferred to your Bank account. Thus, the opportunity to earn 200 to 500 rubles a day online is quite affordable. With perseverance you can even increase this sum several times, which will make the Internet the main source of income.