Firstly, remember. All these rules need to be observed constantly, it is impossible today to be responsible and caring, and tomorrow slobs. Consistency is your main trump card.

1. Confidence

With such a man, a woman is comfortable, she can afford to relax. The main thing - not to confuse confidence with rudeness and arrogance. Be firm, but not rude. Communicating with the girl look at her and not at his feet or, even worse at passing beauties. Try not to blush and not to mumble. Speak quietly. Do this if you want to please a girl.

2. A sense of humor

This is one of the most desired man qualities. Not only during a conversation with girls but in life in General. We want to stay where we're having fun. And if you remember that "women love with their ears" you will understand, one who knows how to cheer a girl gets 55% of her sympathy!

3. Good manners

Yes, this is well forgotten old. Nowadays good manners are the lack of bad manners. It is not difficult. Don't slurp, don't interrupt her. And Yes, give her a hand, leaving transport. Of course, there are girls who prefer those who spits under her feet and speaks in Mat. But why you such a girl? Respect yourself and your chosen one.

4. Responsibility

"The man said – man did". So be a man. Promised – fulfill. Even if you tell your friends or started the world Cup. She will understand that you can rely on your word can be trusted. If you are responsible – you know how to please a girl.

5. Masculinity

A girl wants it or not, nature is so inherent that any man she is considering as a future husband and father of their children – suitable-not suitable. Caring for offspring and responsibility for themselves and their families – qualities required of its choice. And the expression "behind him, like a stone wall" will never lose its relevance.

6. Neatness and grooming

Well what can I add? You smell like you have dirty shoes and not washed hair is who you can like? We are not talking about business suits with a tie. Simple neatness is one of the main your tasks, if you want to please a girl.

7. The singularity

The highlight has to be not only a woman. You also need to stand out in the crowd. Some positive quality, something which is not in others. Remember, maybe you are a virtuoso dance or you are well-read. And maybe your work on the burning took first place at the city exhibition?

8. Generosity

Not to be confused with waste! It is not necessary to perform the slightest whim of a girl, but avarice is no one decorated. Just make her small, but nice gifts.

9. A nice companion

There are people with whom just nice to talk to. They know a little in all areas and very deeply versed in one or two subjects. In conversation with them there are no stupid pauses or awkward silences. If you date a girl for the first time, try to find out what her interests and a little bit in her world. Of course, if it is not purely women's issues, like hair removal and fashion magazines. Somehow it's not manly.

10. Like her friends

To please the girl, it is highly desirable that people like you in principle. If you are a pleasant companion, "the soul of the company", then you have all the chances to please your beloved. Yes, it's not easy. But it's nothing compared to how to please her friends. Here is a very fine line. They got you good things, but not so much that the girl was jealous and thinking you were overly attached to her friend. Be careful!