As a rule, the true frigidity is uncommon and is caused by abnormalities in the physiology of women: underdeveloped sex organs, insufficient development of the female hormone estrogen, etc. Such problems are eliminated when you visit a gynecologist and making appropriate treatment recommendations.

To understand, frigid or not, the woman can herself enough to choose a convenient time to go to bed on your back, relax, slightly bend your knees and, by placing in the vagina a finger, think about fondling. In sexually healthy women after 25 seconds, the clitoris swells with excitement, and after 3-5 minutes of finger stuchitsja vaginal secret - a transparent liquid, moisturizing sexual organs for copulation.

13% of Russian women have low libido because of hormonal contraceptives: some contraceptive pills thicken the mucus of the cervical canal, which complicates the production of natural lubrication and leads to unpleasant sensations during sexual intercourse. And if sex does not bring pleasant sensations, the desire gradually comes to "no".

If a woman experiences arousal during sleep, during Masturbation, or viewing an erotic film, but during sexual contact with a partner is cold - we are talking about about frigidity. Remedial work in this case should be focused on the psychological aspects of the problem.

About the reasons for frigidity can be various: the rush of a partner, inadvertently said once the phrase regarding the sexual incompetence of the woman or her external data, unsuccessful first sexual experience (maybe even violent), etc.

To reach the top of pleasure, you must want to walk together to the top. The selfishness of the partner should alert: do you really need a man who thinks only about their own satisfaction? Erection is not so terrible, so a man can be patient, waiting until you "start".

Don't be afraid to tell about the problem the man together it will be easier to understand what to do next. Analyze yourself in bed: what do you think when a man touches you? If you dislike some of his actions, tactfully hint about it, or show of hands, how need to touch you to like. Maybe you prevent body odors? Then offer to start a sex journey with a bath, soaping each other with a new shower gel.

Tune in to sex helps twilight, scented candle ylang-ylang, paired dances (like tango). Don't worry about how you look in a particular pose, hanging if you have something extra on the sides, etc. Imagine that your thoughts are a tangle of pleasant moments, send this ball to the groin and focus on the sensations.

Don't wait when you will caress - caress yourself: pokusavate partner squeeze the vaginal muscles (when inside), switch roles, etc. as soon As you feel confident in sex, all the problems will go away by themselves.