Rice cleansing the body of salt
Pour 3 tablespoons of uncooked rice with a liter of cold water, leave overnight. In the morning drain the water, add fresh, bring to the boil and simmer for 5 minutes. Again drain, rinse the rice, pour a portion of water, cook for 5 minutes. Repeat this procedure a couple more times. After four batches of rice to eat in the form of heat, then another 3 hours to refrain from eating. Include in the diet more fruits. Empty and transparent pic is not the food but rather medicine. He seemed sorbent collects and removes salt from the body. The course is 10 days.
A decoction of Bay leaf – the best remedy salts in the body
If you decided to cleanse your body of salts through the Bay of broth, in this period of time you need to follow the moderate exercise, cannot be supercooled. Take 5 medium Bay leaves, pour half a liter of just boiled water, put on medium heat, simmer for 20 minutes. Cooked the broth cool and drink one secondary throat 3 times a day. The course lasts from 3 to 5 days. Laurel decoction is the strongest means to cleanse the bowels.
Parsley and celery salt against the body
Take 100 grams of celery and parsley along with the leaves, stems and roots. Rinse them thoroughly under running water, cut into pieces, pour half a liter of water. Put on fire, bring to a boil, cook for another 5-7 minutes. Leave for half an hour, strain and press. Add the cooled decoction of the juice squeezed from one lemon and 2 tablespoons of honey. This drink is recommended to drink in small SIPS throughout the day. The course of purification is the month, then make a week break, if necessary repeat the treatment according to people's means. The result will be visible after a week, the kidneys will work better, swelling gone.
Cranberry-garlic mixture
Take 200 grams of garlic, split in teeth, and clean them. 500 grams of cranberries (you can use both fresh and frozen berries) wash, skip through a meat grinder. Further, these components should mix well, fold in the two-litre jar, cover and insist night. Add the 1 kilo of honey, stir. Take the healing tool for removing salts from the body on a teaspoon 3 times a day (15-20 minutes before the meal).