You will need
  • - the fruits of horse chestnut;
  • - juice of burdock;
  • vodka or alcohol;
  • - the flowers of horse chestnut.
In the treatment of rheumatism use the tincture made from Cup chopped fruit chestnut, a glass of juice of burdock 200 ml of vodka. Mix ingredients, then pour the mixture into a glass container (it is desirable that the utensils were made of dark glass) and tightly close it. Insist the drug is 9-10 days, then strain it. The finished tincture, use for rubbing.
Will facilitate the condition of people with heart diseases tincture made from 50 g of fruit and flowers of horse chestnut and 600 ml of vodka or alcohol. The fruits and flowers of chestnut grind into a paste using grinder or blender. Then this paste-like mass and pour alcohol or vodka. Leave the mixture for 10-12 days in a cool dark place. Take the healing elixir three-four times a day for 30-35 drops. The treatment course lasts for 22-25 days. It's drug take neuralgia and to strengthen the nervous system.
Cured joints will help the infusion is made from 10 fruits of the horse chestnut and 200 ml of vodka. The chestnuts, pour vodka and leave the mixture to 9-10 days in a dark place at room temperature. After infusion of strain. Use it as compresses, which apply to problem areas to 1.5-2 hours.
Prepare a tincture prescribed for the treatment of BPH. To do this, remove the peel from the fruit of the chestnut pound "core" in the powder (you will need 25 g of this flour) and pour 250 ml of alcohol. Leave the mixture in a dark place 14-16 days, then strain. Take before lunch and dinner, 10 drops for 20 days.
In the fight against varicose veins, use a tincture, prepared from 500 ml of alcohol and 50 g of fruit horse chestnut. Chop the fruit into powder and pour alcohol. The dishes (it is desirable that it was the capacity of dark glass) with a mixture of leave for 12 days in a cool dark place. Then infusion of strain. Take the drug three times a day (before meal) 30 drops, diluting the drug 1 tablespoon of cold boiled water. In addition, RUB this tincture to problem areas. Healing the course lasts a month, after do a two-week break and, if symptoms re-appear, repeat treatment.