Walking upright requires toddler skills, coordination of movement and balance, without which he is trying to make a move, just falls into the "fifth" point. Gradually little by little, he'll get the necessary skills, his vestibular system would be significantly enhanced, and the gait is stable.
But do not forget that the main tool in the development of skills of balance when walking, are the parents. They should teach the child how to balance first, using some fixtures, and then independently. Quite simply, the vestibular system of the child starts to develop from day of birth, for example, when mom carries him in a stroller or carry arms. But, nevertheless, this is not sufficient for independent walking.
While your child learns to walk or keep balance with your help, along with this comes the emotional communication, is vital for the baby. Therefore, you should remain calm, tenderness and kindness, in no case do not show impatience or frustration when the child does something wrong.
According to many parents, there are many remedy options when the baby has bad balance and from being afraid to move. The best option is a situation in which a child at a little distance from him to show an interesting toy, thereby inducing them to make the first move. It is clear that in the end of his journey, which will seem to a child very long, he will have to get the toy or treat as a reward.
Other parents use these exercises with ropes or cords, one end of which holds an adult to support the baby. Gradually the rope can be let go, but remaining in the hands of the child, the other end of that same rope will give him a purely psychological confidence. Can be used as training, so-called cords that fit over the waist and breast of the child, and their ends holding adult.
To help the child to coordinate the movements of the toy, for example, fitball, ball, toys, or toys with laces. For playing fitball parents should put the baby on the ball tummy down and holding her hand, shake on the simulator.
The development process of the vestibular system must continue even if the child is confidently walking. However, the exercises themselves need to be complicated – it can be, for example, whirling with an adult or independently, balancing on a stable surface narrow.