First bike child tricycle. With it, you need to teach the kid two brand new actions to steer and pedal.
Small tricycles are best suited for skiing in an apartment or small indoor venues, having a smooth sloping surface.
First educate the child steering control. Explain to him that if he would turn the wheel, for example, to the right, the bike will go right, and if he would turn the wheel left, the bike will begin to move to the left. Roll the baby around the apartment, letting him steer, choosing a direction of motion independently.
Only after the kid will master steering, begin to teach him how to use pedals. Show your child how his legs should bring the pedals in traffic, while maintaining a young cyclist thighs.
Learned to ride his tricycle child safely re-pot at two-wheeled. Now your main task is to teach the child to keep balance.
Select as a platform for skiing a gentle slope with a length of not more than 5 m. child Seated on the bike, firmly grasp his shoulders or saddle of two-wheeled vehicle. In any case, do not hold on to the handlebars, otherwise the baby can't learn to balance yourself.
Let the baby start from the ground down as if riding on a scooter. When thus the descent may quickly put your feet on the pedals, while making a couple of revolutions.
If the bike continues to go up, not wagging, tell the child that he did not stop, but continued to move forward spinning with a pedal. If the baby "lost his balance", and the bike began to wobble from side to side, tell the rider to go back in "scooter mode".
With each descent the number of revolutions of the feet will increase. In the end, the child will remove his foot from the pedal only at the end of the descent, and eventually does learn to pass on, to unfold in the desired direction and to brake when necessary.
Children's Bicycle should conform to the height, weight and age of the owner.
Children's bike should be light, comfortable, stable and maneuverable.
Children's bike should be light, comfortable, stable and maneuverable.